12 surefire ways to protect your heart, bones and skin from snow and extreme cold!

12 surefire ways to protect your heart, bones and skin from snow and extreme cold!

Snowfall and cold weather, which experts have warned for days, have taken our country under its influence; most of our cities are almost white! Measures were taken days in advance to prevent traffic accidents, fractures and dislocations caused by falling and a number of other problems; continues to be received. It is very important for us to be vigilant in order to prevent the negative effects of snowfall and cold weather, as this weather also seriously threatens our health. For example, arrhythmia, heart failure and triggering a heart attack! In addition, broken-dislocations and dry skin caused by falling are other important problems that are frequently seen in heavy snowfall.

Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karabulut, Emergency Service Specialist Dr. Mediha Doğanay and Dermatology Specialist Dr. Süleyman İzzet Karahan told about 12 rules to be protected from snow and extreme cold; made important suggestions and warnings.

Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karabulut explained the 5 golden rules of protecting heart health in snowy weather and extreme cold.

1) Make careful effort

Cold weather can cause additional effort such as clearing snow, pushing a vehicle left on the road, and running to avoid snowfall. However, be careful, as exerting excessive effort in these weather conditions can cause palpitations, shortness of breath, rhythm disturbances, or worse, heart attack.

2) Always protect your head with a beanie.

Most of the heat loss in our body usually takes place in the head area, as a result our heart has to work harder. Therefore, never forget to protect your head with a beret while going out.

3) Dress in layers

Losing heat in cold weather poses a risk of hypothermia. It also increases the risk of heart attack. Dressing in multiple layers such as cabbage or choosing very thick clothes can disrupt our heat balance. Using a thermal suit prevents heat loss. Wearing two layers instead of multiple layers will be enough to prevent heat loss.

4) Do not go out without wearing a mask

Masks, which are indispensable for the pandemic, will protect us from the cold this time. Breathing cold air directly disrupts the heat balance, can cause palpitations and heart pain. Masks warm and soften the air we breathe.

5) Drink plenty of water

It is often forgotten to consume water in cold weather. As a result, shortness of breath and palpitations can be seen more frequently in those who drink less water, and the blood becomes thicker. Consuming 8-10 glasses of warm water a day will protect your heart health.

Emergency Service Specialist Dr. Mediha Doğanay told 4 golden rules to protect our bones against fractures and dislocations while walking on snowy and icy roads.

1) Let your steps be small

Even one wrong step, especially on icy and slippery floors, can cause serious accidents. E.g; After a simple slip, a fall on the hip or back may result in coccyx fractures or spinal fractures. Wide steps increase the risk of slipping on the ice. Therefore, in order to prevent fractures, take care to walk with small steps and looking at the road as much as possible.

2) Prefer safe shoes

Make sure that your shoes have the features that will allow you to take safe steps. For example, you can choose shoes made of material suitable for slippery floors. Having a non-slip textured, rough and rubber sole can reduce the risk of slipping and falling.

3) Keep your hands in your pockets

In cold weather, most of us walk with our hands in our pockets to avoid getting cold. But we need our hands to keep our balance. Moreover, it is very important to keep hands free in order to prevent more serious injuries during a fall.

4) Use a backpack instead of a handbag or arm bag

Use a backpack instead of a handbag to keep your balance while walking. When there is weight in the hands, we may have difficulty in maintaining our balance. For this reason, be careful to walk by putting your loads in your backpack. If you slide with your hands free, you can avoid a fall or dodge more lightly by keeping your balance.

We can be inspired by vehicle tires with very good ground grip when choosing boots for walking on snow without falling.

As with car tires, boots with corrugated soles make it easier to walk on snow and prevent you from slipping.
The grooves allow the sole of the shoe to sit on the floor evenly. It grips the ground strongly.
The very light heel of the boot also helps maintain your walking balance. Thus, your weight does not go backwards, your center of balance is preserved.
The use of materials specially designed for snow on the soles, rubber soles will further secure your work.

Dermatology Specialist Dr. Süleyman İzzet Karahan talked about 3 golden rules that should be considered in order to protect the skin against cold in snowy and very cold weather.

1) Do not take a bath with very hot water

In snowy and very cold weather, do not take a bath with very hot water during this period to avoid exacerbating the dryness of the skin. In addition, prolonged contact with water can cause skin dryness. For this reason, it is very important that you keep the bath time limited to as little as 5 minutes.

2) Increase the humidity of the room

By increasing the humidity of the room in your home and workplace, you can reduce the complaint of dryness on the skin. Make sure that the humidity in your room is around 60 percent. Make it a habit to keep the room temperature between 21-25 degrees, as hot or cold weather can increase skin dryness.

3) Don’t forget your hands

To prevent problems such as dryness and itching that may occur on your skin in cold weather, moisturize your lips and hands regularly, as well as your face, both at home and when going out. Make it a habit to apply lip care products frequently and to moisturize your hands after every wash. In addition, even if your hands do not feel cold, wearing gloves while going out will ensure that your skin is better protected and your hands look healthier.

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