The balance of the coronavirus was heavy for individuals with obesity

The balance of the coronavirus was heavy for individuals with obesity

Obesity stands out as one of the most important health problems of the 21st century. The number of overweight and obese individuals is increasing in Turkey as well as in the world. In the latest report published by the World Health Organization, Turkey is the country with the highest obesity rate in Europe based on the adult population. Two out of every three adults in Turkey are overweight or obese. Obesity is spreading rapidly not only among adults but also among children. One out of every four children in Turkey has an overweight problem.

Turkish Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (TEMD) Obesity, Dyslipidemia and Hypertension Working Group President Prof. Dr. Fahri Bayram and the Vice President of the Working Group Prof. Dr. Sinem Kıyıcı touched upon important points about the health problems experienced by individuals with obesity during the Kovid-19 period, especially on March 4, World Obesity Day.

prof. Dr. Sinem Kıyıcı, “Obesity; It also causes many chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, coronary artery disease, stroke, various cancers, sleep-apnea syndrome, fatty liver, reflux, biliary tract disease, infertility, depression, joint and movement problems. is happening. Obesity is the second most common preventable cause of death.

While the world continues to struggle with the Kovid-19 pandemic that started from the city of Wuhan in China and spread, current data show that the balance of Kovid-19 disease in the world and in our country is heavier for individuals with obesity. Made works; It shows that there is a 46% increase in Kovid-19 positivity, 113% increase in hospitalizations, and 48% increase in disease-related deaths in obese and overweight individuals compared to normal weight individuals.

Another study carried out in Turkey indicates that obesity doubles deaths due to Kovid-19. Respiratory problems caused by obesity and additional diseases such as obesity-related diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases increase the risk of developing pneumonia due to Kovid-19 and the need for intensive care in these individuals. It has also been shown by scientific data that obese individuals have a higher risk of contracting Kovid-19 infection and having Kovid-19 disease more severely than other people.

Stating that the Kovid-19 pandemic will cause a serious increase in obesity rates all over the world, Prof. Dr. Fahri Bayram continued his words as follows: “Factors such as the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic, the increase in time spent at home, the unhealthy eating habits brought by this process and the difficulties in accessing treatment also pose a great risk for the increase in obesity rates.

On the other hand, although obesity causes serious health problems, it is a treatable disease. Even just 5%-10% weight loss reduces the risk of obesity-related diseases and death in obese individuals. Adopting lifestyle changes including healthy nutrition and exercise will be the main step in both the treatment and prevention of obesity. When necessary and appropriate, drug therapy or surgical methods can also be used in the treatment of obesity.

prof. Dr. Fahri Bayram pointed out that raising awareness about obesity is an important point for the prevention and treatment of obesity, and “Since 2020, March 4 is celebrated as “World Obesity Day” in order to create a stronger voice all over the world. As the Turkish Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, we draw attention to obesity on World Obesity Day and emphasize that it is necessary to fight against this disease at the social level and that obesity is a preventable and treatable condition with long-term measures to be taken.

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